About Me

Running Cloud says, I am the moon and the stars... I am the sunshine and the rain clouds... I am all and nothing and more besides... I am the buffalo and the bison on the plains... I am the bear in the woods, and all of this you know... I am the eagle on the wing, the jackdaw and the sparrow... and even the blackbird – your beloved blackbird... I am the ladybird and the butterfly... I am the essence of love and life and freedom...
All entries posted to this site have been channelled from Running Cloud (unless otherwise stated). Running Cloud is a spirit guide, residing in the invisible realms. Some people know this as the spirit realms. Some people would call this place Heaven.

The Running Cloud messages showing *** in the title have been edited to remove references to me. They are shown on the site as I believe the remaining content is universal...

All other Running Cloud messages and poems were channelled for everybody and have not been altered in any way from the originals.

All of these messages come with love. Some of them are easy to understand and make a good deal of sense. Some of them are more difficult to accept, maybe making us feel uncomfortable - especially if they are calling for us to look inside and change our behaviours.

My advice is that you read the ones that appeal to you. Accept or reject the contents according to what you feel deep inside your heart. For there is no one answer. And, as Running Cloud says, we all are doing the best that we can.

And Amen to that!


a string of tears . . .
like the beads on a rosary

to count for the years
we've been apart

Tuesday, November 6

Love, Light and Perfection***

Love is a joyous thing,
A place like a planet all of its own.
If only you could live on that planet, you say to yourself.
But here’s the thing:

You live there already!

We have already told you:
The planets and moon and stars are inside you,
In every atom of your being.

So love is there too.
You ARE love
And love is you.

Do not see yourself as separate from love
Or from your fellow man,
For you all breathe the same air
And walk the same steps
That the ancients have walked.

Each blade of grass is sacred.
And this you know.
Each bird which sings
Is singing its love song to you, sweet child.
But as you hear it
So does every human soul.
It reverberates for all eternity.

Unfortunately, the same is so
For any bad thoughts or words
That you or your fellow man may utter.
For the word is powerful beyond your comprehension.
It is true so let it be so.

Do not overly concern yourself with this.
If you stay pure of mind
You will start a chain reaction.
Someone must be the first -
It might as well be you.

So be brave
And speak out to all who moan at you.
Stand tall and be firm.

Say no to drugs:

The bad moods are incoherent.
The bad vibes knock you off course,
Knock you out of love.

This is bad for you as drugs are.
If you tell someone this
They will say you’re mad.
But it is true.

Anger and untruth is as bad for your system as heroin.
So say no to drugs.
For you are no dupe.
Do not let yourself be bullied.

You are strong.
You have a voice of your own.

Together we can stand united.
It is a start.
And each convert will be a new chain reaction,
Like a tidal wave,
Or a stack of dominoes.
Each one, each atom,
Knocking on to the next
As surely as one heartbeat leads
To the next beat of your love drum.

Do not be afraid of the light inside.
Never be afraid of spirit,
For love can never hurt you.
Spiritual love is pure,
The highest love you can ever receive.
And on the earthplane
Your love is powerful too
As it comes from a selfless place.

Not selfish love
As some would have you believe.
For you have a big heart
And it is time you gave
Some of that love to yourself.

Turn that beautiful love light,
The love beam,
The love spotlight,
Lovingly on to yourself.

For once you truly love yourself
Even more will unfold for you.
You will know so much more.
You know who you are.
But you will learn to know yourself better,
More intimately,
As we know you -
Mind, body and soul.

Relax your tensions
And listen to the stirrings of your heart.

You are special.
You are loved.
And you too can love yourself better.
Better than you have been doing.

Do not criticise yourself.
Do not despair of attaining perfection.
What is perfection?

The blade of grass
Before you tread on it?
Or after?

Or maybe whilst your tender foot is upon it
Flattening it against your sole:
Heartbeat to heartbeat,
The pulse of life connected at heart, sole and blade.

Which is perfect?
All are perfect.
Before, during, after.
It is all one.

So when will you be perfect, sweet child?
When you already are!

When you were born,
When you breathe every breath,
And when you exhale.
Yesterday. Now. Today.
And for always.

Perfect as a child of God.
What other kind is there?

Do not look for faults.
That is who you are –
Your shape.
Everything that is you
Is what makes you perfect.
Flaky feet, grey hair, spots.
All of it.
None of it.
What matters?

All is love
For you are love.

You are the whole.
We come back to that again.
You are the whole world,
The universe in every cell of your being.

Sweet child, you are the world...
Sweet child, you are God...
Sweet child, you are life...

This is not blasphemy.
This is how it is!

You are everything
And everything is you.

And if you are God,
There is nothing you can’t do
If you care to try…

Believe in your power
And it will increase tenfold.
Believe truly
And it will increase one hundred fold.
Until there is nothing but light in this world.

The light of love and truth.
The light of you, sweet child.
The God light everywhere.

Remember –
You are the planets, the stars.
The whole solar system is in one breath.
In one second you live for eternity.

What can you do?
With this power what can’t you do!

Just imagine the size of it…
So much time
So much…

What do you imagine you cannot do?
What can you not achieve?

The whole world is before you.
It is in you.
If is of you.
And you have doubts…

You who are everything!!

Bless your life!

The love flows from you like lava
And it will overrun everything,
Burning away the blackness
In people’s hearts.
It will show itself where they cannot help but see.

What else is there to say?
Sing with the blackbird:
He is your brother.

Sing with the flower:
Let the blossom of life
Unfold within your breast.

And breathe in the fiery sunshine.
Take it into your being
To be transformed into yet more love.
For there can never be too much of your light.
Shine it into the darkness of the world…

Impart your wisdom,
As should be done,
For the good of all mankind.

Do not be modest -
There is no need for that.

Do not be afraid of your power
For you are not alone.
You have proved your worth,
You are pure of heart.
You have much work to do.

Shine your light where you can…

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