About Me

Running Cloud says, I am the moon and the stars... I am the sunshine and the rain clouds... I am all and nothing and more besides... I am the buffalo and the bison on the plains... I am the bear in the woods, and all of this you know... I am the eagle on the wing, the jackdaw and the sparrow... and even the blackbird – your beloved blackbird... I am the ladybird and the butterfly... I am the essence of love and life and freedom...
All entries posted to this site have been channelled from Running Cloud (unless otherwise stated). Running Cloud is a spirit guide, residing in the invisible realms. Some people know this as the spirit realms. Some people would call this place Heaven.

The Running Cloud messages showing *** in the title have been edited to remove references to me. They are shown on the site as I believe the remaining content is universal...

All other Running Cloud messages and poems were channelled for everybody and have not been altered in any way from the originals.

All of these messages come with love. Some of them are easy to understand and make a good deal of sense. Some of them are more difficult to accept, maybe making us feel uncomfortable - especially if they are calling for us to look inside and change our behaviours.

My advice is that you read the ones that appeal to you. Accept or reject the contents according to what you feel deep inside your heart. For there is no one answer. And, as Running Cloud says, we all are doing the best that we can.

And Amen to that!


a string of tears . . .
like the beads on a rosary

to count for the years
we've been apart

Tuesday, January 8

Message for all mankind - 22 Dec 2007

Today it is important that you open your heart. Otherwise how will you know when you have been touched by another? How will you enjoy a shared moment of joy if you always travel with your eyes shut!

You must look and listen and learn. Be all that you can and you will find the joy again in your life. That spark that has been missing.

Next time you feel empty just think of a loved one’s smile. That joy will fill you up, and plump you up until you are buoyed up again and floating on the gentle stream.

When you open your heart to your fellow man and light up this world with your courage you will transform this amazing planet into a glorious technicolour parade of joy. All will sense your coming even if they cannot see your light. For you will be shining like the brightest star. Twinkling with the joy, with all those beautiful blessings shining from deep within.

It has been said that you must be careful with your thoughts and words and actions. In fact, this is the secret of all creation. It is not new and there are books available even in these times on this subject.

What you think about will become your reality. You will create with the power of your thoughts. So if you keep repeating the same thoughts they will get stronger.

So which thoughts would you like to see transformed into reality? Hopefully you will choose positive uplifting thoughts but experience shows us that when something joyous happens you congratulate yourself for 5 minutes and then move on. Some of you will even say something like “Ah, well but of course it can’t continue like this – it’s too good to be true.”

Here is something you need to know. Nothing is too good to be true! In fact, everything IS true. The good and the bad. The up and the down. The joy and the sorrow.

The middle line is balance. But if you are to be out of balance wouldn’t you rather be on the bright side? On the sunny side? Or do you wish to stay in the shadows? What is so attractive about the shadow side? The dark thoughts drive you there. Why do you want to go there?

Why not look at the sunshine? Feel it on your face? Too good to be true? Yes, but how about you let yourself enjoy it just for 5 minutes. Doesn’t that feel good? Too good to be true? Too good to last? That thought cancels out the goodness…

Now try this: enjoy the goodness for 5 minutes and then tell yourself “oh, this feels SO good I want more of this. I want to feel this good every minute of the day. Not too good to be true. But SO good I choose it all the time.”

Do you know what will happen, my friends? You will find yourself walking through that “too good to be true world” and it will be your home. You’ll be in heaven, here on earth. It might not happen today or even tomorrow but if you persevere, you will indeed create the perfect GOOD to be true wonderful life. The one that is just right for you.

Here’s the secret: when you have financial worries – stop worrying. Tell yourself “I have all the answers. This is dealt with. It is all resolved and I am okay. Because the universe (that is to say, God) always supports me.”

Now you may not know how the answer can come. But still keep on thinking positively. And sure enough – all your problems will resolve themselves!

You know, you all live in a magical world but most of you are blind to it. And so you flounder in deep, dark mud. You feel slushy and stuck.

But open your eyes, sweet ones, for there it is. Right before you. Above and below. All around you. So much goodness, so much abundance, so much love.

Oh, what a wonderful miracle love is. Life is love. Did you know that?

Have you ever noticed how some people are always happy and seem to be so lucky? They attract good luck all the time… they know the secret:

Just be who you are born to be. Express who you really are. Turn up. Show up. Don’t hide. And then when you are able to control your thoughts so that you are always positive, you will discover that you attract so many blessings into your lives. You will be astonished at how easy it is!!!

But at first you will struggle. Remember this, when you were learning to ride a bicycle you fell off many times or wobbled and felt scared. But now you are an expert and can always cycle instinctively. You never forget how.

Well it is the same with the positive power of creation.

Control what you think and you transform your world.

Control what you say and this creative magic speeds up considerably.

Control what you do: how you behave too and suddenly your positive creativity will be supercharged. On fast forward, or speed dial, if you prefer!

So let your new year’s resolution for 2008 be to think yourself well, to think yourself happy, to think yourself wealthy and to think yourself lucky.

Transform your inner world and watch your life change beyond recognition.

Enjoy your new challenges and always ask for help. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see your helpers. They listen anyway. They wait for your request. It is that simple. “please help me…” Problem solved!

Have fun with it, sweet ones.

Try out the new adventure for 2008 and watch the world amaze you.

Prepare to be astonished!

God bless.

Go in peace.
Om Shanti.

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