About Me

Running Cloud says, I am the moon and the stars... I am the sunshine and the rain clouds... I am all and nothing and more besides... I am the buffalo and the bison on the plains... I am the bear in the woods, and all of this you know... I am the eagle on the wing, the jackdaw and the sparrow... and even the blackbird – your beloved blackbird... I am the ladybird and the butterfly... I am the essence of love and life and freedom...
All entries posted to this site have been channelled from Running Cloud (unless otherwise stated). Running Cloud is a spirit guide, residing in the invisible realms. Some people know this as the spirit realms. Some people would call this place Heaven.

The Running Cloud messages showing *** in the title have been edited to remove references to me. They are shown on the site as I believe the remaining content is universal...

All other Running Cloud messages and poems were channelled for everybody and have not been altered in any way from the originals.

All of these messages come with love. Some of them are easy to understand and make a good deal of sense. Some of them are more difficult to accept, maybe making us feel uncomfortable - especially if they are calling for us to look inside and change our behaviours.

My advice is that you read the ones that appeal to you. Accept or reject the contents according to what you feel deep inside your heart. For there is no one answer. And, as Running Cloud says, we all are doing the best that we can.

And Amen to that!


a string of tears . . .
like the beads on a rosary

to count for the years
we've been apart

Sunday, October 28


“Sometimes” is a lonely word
that utters nothing doing
for it has too much room for nothingness around it.
Sometimes and sometimes not.
You see?

What you want is all-times.
What you do all-times is what counts.
Sometimes is a simple failing that many do:
Sometimes they are good.
Sometimes they are true.

But you, sweet child, must be true all-times.
Each and every time you breathe
it must be a true breath.

Each and every moment
of each and every day
must be true to who you are
and what you stand for.

Sometimes doesn’t count for much.

How many ‘sometimes’ can you put in one day?
Quite a few
and many none.
Sometimes is a cop out.
A waste.
And you must eradicate the word from your vocabulary.

It is like saying “sometimes I breathe”.
How ridiculous!
If you did truly breathe just sometimes
you would have died long ago.

You breathe in.
You breathe out.
Each follows what went before.
Every time.

Not sometimes.

Make your actions true all-times.
Make your words count all-times.
Make your friendships count all-times.

Be true to the I AM.
To the true self.
Use your I AM statements at all-times
so that every thought or impulse you have
is from God
and a perfect creation.
Be positive at All-times.
It is possible.

And the more you practice it -
the sooner you get rid of sometimes -
the more powerful a creator you will be.

Know your truth.
Speak your truth.
Act your truth.
Create your truth for all to see.

Not sometimes.

But all-times.
And forever more.

God bless.

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