About Me

Running Cloud says, I am the moon and the stars... I am the sunshine and the rain clouds... I am all and nothing and more besides... I am the buffalo and the bison on the plains... I am the bear in the woods, and all of this you know... I am the eagle on the wing, the jackdaw and the sparrow... and even the blackbird – your beloved blackbird... I am the ladybird and the butterfly... I am the essence of love and life and freedom...
All entries posted to this site have been channelled from Running Cloud (unless otherwise stated). Running Cloud is a spirit guide, residing in the invisible realms. Some people know this as the spirit realms. Some people would call this place Heaven.

The Running Cloud messages showing *** in the title have been edited to remove references to me. They are shown on the site as I believe the remaining content is universal...

All other Running Cloud messages and poems were channelled for everybody and have not been altered in any way from the originals.

All of these messages come with love. Some of them are easy to understand and make a good deal of sense. Some of them are more difficult to accept, maybe making us feel uncomfortable - especially if they are calling for us to look inside and change our behaviours.

My advice is that you read the ones that appeal to you. Accept or reject the contents according to what you feel deep inside your heart. For there is no one answer. And, as Running Cloud says, we all are doing the best that we can.

And Amen to that!


a string of tears . . .
like the beads on a rosary

to count for the years
we've been apart

Sunday, October 28

the sun always shines

even on a cloudy day...

Message for all mankind - 21.06.07

Please be aware that what will follow
is injurious to your current beliefs
and will change your life forever…

When you know how to be still
and hold on to the pure love found deep inside your heart
you will find the way to true peace
and then peace will prevail on earth.

But until then,
the dis-harmony of the world you have created
will continue exactly as it is now
and, indeed, will continue its destructive course.

So if you truly DO seek love and peace on earth
then it is important that you commit yourself to this result.
And that commitment means
knowing that you must take drastic measures if necessary.

And, unfortunately, it is necessary.

Open your eyes to truly see
and you will know the truth of what we say.

So are you ready to commit yourself to peace on earth?
Are you ready to work towards that goal?

Or do you sit there expecting somebody else to do it for you?

What will it take before you get up
out of your comfortable, cosy life
and take responsibility for your own life
and your part in what is happening around you?

For you ARE responsible for what you read in the papers
and see on the television.

You may think these things just happen
but you do not protest when you see injustice.

If you will just sit there
blindly ignoring that which you don’t like,
pretending it is not there,
then how do you expect anything to change?

If you are unhappy with the politics of your country
or the state of the world,
stand up and speak out.

You will find you are not alone.

Millions feel as you do.
And together you have a powerful voice.

It is not necessary for you to be of the same country
or nationality
or religion
or creed.

Just be of the same opinion.

It is enough.

For right is right
and wrong is wrong.

Whichever language you put it into.

You know the truth of this.

Sometimes it is easy to tell yourself
that if it is happening in a different country
then it is not your life,
or it is out of your hands.

But how can this be true?

Do you really imagine
that there are borders and passports to truth?

Dignity is the same the world over.
What boundary would you put round that?
Where does it start for you?

Where does it start?

At your sofa?
At your front door?
Your street?
Your town?
Or not at all?

Do you care about anything that is not close to your own heart?

What if we were to tell you that ALL is close to your heart?

That even people you will never meet in this lifetime
will impact upon your life?

Imagine this:

You are Indian (from India) and George Bush makes a policy
that affects your commerce.
You will never meet George Bush
but he will change your life.

If you live in Iraq
he already has affected your life beyond recognition.
So why will you not be affected by smaller people?

If you were at the World Trade Centre on 09/11/2001
then your life was turned upside down,
or even taken,
by complete strangers.

You may think these are extreme examples.

But are they really?

In Iraq, people’s lives are turned upside down
because millions of people voted George Bush for president.

Do you still think the actions of one person
cannot affect someone you will never meet?

And when you show kindness to someone
they go home happier and choose not to beat their wife.

Do you think your smile did not count?

Do you imagine you have no effect
on the beautiful world you inhabit?

It IS a beautiful world but first you must open your eyes to see this.

Do not read your doom and gloom newspapers.
Instead walk through your neighbourhood
and connect with the people who live like you do,
who breathe the same air.

They all have hopes, desires and dreams.

And they all have very real concerns too:
How to pay the bills,
feed and clothe their children
and how to go on holiday.

So many things in common if you look past the surface.

Instead of looking for the bad in everyone,
instead of being paranoid and hiding from invisible shadows,
step out into the glorious light
and feel the love of the universe all around you.

Let those energies uphold you
and true fulfilment will come your way.

You don’t actually have to do much.
Really, all you need do is release the resistence.

Let go of fear.

Look for the good in everyone.
And very soon that is all you will see:

The good in everyone.

For we all think we are doing the right thing.
And we all do the best that we can.

But there is more.
So much more…

In the spiritual sunlight a new plant is growing.

Spreading all over the globe.

It grows from the seed of hope.

And it responds to love and kindness.

And it blossoms into blooms of peace.

And it is rampant.

It will take over your beautiful planet.
And it won’t matter how often you try to destroy it
for it will be tenacious, like an insidious weed.

It will last forever.

The only question is this:

Who will plant the first seed?

Is there hope in your heart?
Or is there only fear?

Pluck out the thorns of fear and bathe the wounds in love.

Let the hope grow up inside you,
filling your whole body with love and strength.
With true vitality.

And there you will stand in all your glory:
Mighty, powerful and indefeatable.

It is all possible.
You CAN do it.

Just believe.
And it is so.

Reach out your hand in friendship
to the stranger on the street
and very soon the whole family of man will stand connected again, around the world.

All of you are my brothers and my sisters.
And all of you are my friends.

And when you listen to the truth of these words
you will know it is time
to drop the deception
that you work so hard to maintain.

Let it go…
Let it drop away…

The glory of all you can be
and all that you already are, is here:

You are God.
So believe in the god spirit within.

Let it shine brightly around the world tonight.

God Bless


“Sometimes” is a lonely word
that utters nothing doing
for it has too much room for nothingness around it.
Sometimes and sometimes not.
You see?

What you want is all-times.
What you do all-times is what counts.
Sometimes is a simple failing that many do:
Sometimes they are good.
Sometimes they are true.

But you, sweet child, must be true all-times.
Each and every time you breathe
it must be a true breath.

Each and every moment
of each and every day
must be true to who you are
and what you stand for.

Sometimes doesn’t count for much.

How many ‘sometimes’ can you put in one day?
Quite a few
and many none.
Sometimes is a cop out.
A waste.
And you must eradicate the word from your vocabulary.

It is like saying “sometimes I breathe”.
How ridiculous!
If you did truly breathe just sometimes
you would have died long ago.

You breathe in.
You breathe out.
Each follows what went before.
Every time.

Not sometimes.

Make your actions true all-times.
Make your words count all-times.
Make your friendships count all-times.

Be true to the I AM.
To the true self.
Use your I AM statements at all-times
so that every thought or impulse you have
is from God
and a perfect creation.
Be positive at All-times.
It is possible.

And the more you practice it -
the sooner you get rid of sometimes -
the more powerful a creator you will be.

Know your truth.
Speak your truth.
Act your truth.
Create your truth for all to see.

Not sometimes.

But all-times.
And forever more.

God bless.

Saturday, October 27

Is There Hope In Your Heart?

In the spiritual sunlight a new plant is growing.
Spreading all over the globe.

It grows from the seed of hope.

And it responds to love and kindness.

And it blossoms into blooms of peace.

And it is rampant.
It will take over your beautiful planet.
And it won't matter how often you try to destroy it
For it will be tenacious, like an insidious weed.

It will last forever.

The only question is this:

Who will plant the first seed?

Is there hope in your heart?